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Burrows Wheeler Transformation

Burrows-Wheeler Transform: A Powerful Algorithm for Text Compression


The Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) is a powerful algorithm used for text compression and various other applications. It is based on the observation that characters that appear close together in a text also tend to appear close together in its cyclic rotations. By exploiting this property, the BWT can achieve high compression ratios while preserving the original order of the text.

Algorithm Overview

The BWT works by first constructing the suffix array of the input text. The suffix array is a list of all suffixes of the text, sorted in lexicographic order. Once the suffix array has been constructed, the BWT can be computed by extracting the last column of the suffix array. This column contains the characters that immediately precede each suffix in the circular rotation of the text.


Consider the following text: "WEB". The suffix array for this text is as follows:

``` ["B", "EB", "WEB", "EBW", "BWE"] ```

The last column of the suffix array is ["E", "B", "W", "E", "B"]. This is the BWT of the text "WEB".

Uses of the BWT

The BWT has a wide range of applications, including:

  • Text compression
  • Genome assembly
  • Pattern matching
  • Data mining
  • Image processing


The Burrows-Wheeler Transform is a powerful algorithm that has many applications in various fields. Its ability to compress text while preserving the original order makes it a valuable tool for data storage and analysis.
