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North Korea And Russia A Hidden Frontier

North Korea and Russia: A Hidden Frontier

Russia's Border with North Korea: A Curious Case

The border between North Korea and Russia, according to Russia's official definition, spans 173 kilometers (107 miles) of land and sea.

The Enigma of Google Maps: North Korea Unveiled

While North Korea remains shrouded in secrecy on Google Maps, glimpses of its periphery can be seen just beyond its borders.

The Friendship Bridge: A Link Across the Border

The Friendship Bridge connects North Korea and Russia, providing a vital passage between the two nations.

The Lake Khasan: A Natural Landmark

Lake Khasan serves as a significant natural landmark along the border, shaping the landscape and fostering ecological diversity.

Historical Transitions: From Division to Independence

Months after a summit with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in 2011, North Korean leader Kim Jong-il passed away. This event marked a turning point in the region's history.

The 38th Parallel: A Line of Division

The border between North Korea and South Korea emerged as a result of the post-World War II division, solidifying into a national boundary in 1948.
